OpenEarth is a proud partner of the UNFCCC. A key collaboration entails the design and development of the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, or UGIH. Launched in Glasgow's COP25, the UGIH provides a cross-disciplinary community of practice with both a physical and virtual hub to connect stakeholders searching to meet core human needs demands with best available climate and sustainability solutions. The key aim is to support meeting core human needs while supporting the 1.5 degrees goal of the Paris Agreement.
Climate ambition in pledges is being set by what is perceived as possible, not on what is needed. Low ambition also leads to a low demand for climate & sustainability innovations.
Innovation is mainly leveraged to achieve incremental improvement in the form of reduction of the carbon footprint of products and services at the supply side. Moonshot thinking is not widely shared and innovations are often constrained to technology, without considering finance, policy and business models.
Addressing a decarbonisation pathway through sectorial metrics can lead to incremental and problem oriented innovations, rather that solution innovations based on core human needs.
The UGIH focuses on meeting core human needs for a thriving population, such as nutrition & health, shelter, clothing, access and leisure.
A key focus is to meet clear human and climate demands with a broad supply of sustainability solutions, and broadcast the need for new innovations if demand is not met.
By focusing on human needs rather than sectors, we can re-frame the innovation agenda and incorporate holistic clustering of technologies, finance, policy and business model innovation opportunities.
Establishes a marketplace for demand and supply of climate and sustainability solutions to be connected.
Is based on fulfilling what humans need, not what is perceived possible
Changes the innovation perspective: before building better cars, can we rethink how we access what we need?
Encourages to set Climate Ambitions based on what is needed rather than what is perceived possible.
OpenEarth is working with UNFCCC to design and develop the digital platform for UGIH, or Virtual Hub. This entails building an advanced urban and climate simulation platform, database & marketplace to help major non-party actors —such as cities— achieve a Paris-aligned transformation and fulfill core human needs.
The UGIH, like OpenEarth, shares a spirit of radical collaboration and inclusion. Both the physical hub at the COP and the virtual hub are being designed to represent multiple stakeholders across state and non-state actors; accelerating innovation across policy, finance, technology, social networks and business models. Explore the concept note published by UNFCCC that further articulates the vision for the UGIH.